Public Speaking Contest 2016 Judging Criteria


Content graded using the parameters below for total of 50 points or ½ of the total score.

  • Knowledge: Understanding of the topic; research; amount of work involved in preparation
  • Originality: Is there an interesting angle? Does the speech reflect the work of the student or was it done by a parent? Was the information synthesized or copied from a book or the internet?
  • Organization: Is there an introduction/development of ideas/conclusion?
  • Utilization of time: Was the speech an appropriate length? Was it the right amount of information for the given time period?


Style graded using the parameters below for total of 50 points or ½ of the total score.

  • Voice: Did the participant speak clearly and not ‘read’?
  • Fluency: Smooth delivery? Good pace?
  • Body Language: Did the participant maintain good posture and eye contact? Did the participant use facial and hand gestures?
  • Eloquence: Did the participant show interest and enthusiasm for the topic?


Final Score out of 100