Shabbat Dinner for Israel

Friday, November 24, 2023
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Location provided two days before the event

Join us for a Shabbat dinner in partnership with the Jewish National Fund of Canada (JNF) and Jewish Federation to raise funds for Israel. We hope to bring our community of young adults together to show solidarity for Israel, to raise awareness, and to feel empowered by helping fundraise. 100% of the proceeds will go towards emergency relief for Israel, and JNF will be matching all donations made through this platform. Tickets are $50 with a recommended $54 donation to the Israel Emergency fund.

Thank you to Bella James, Carly Demco, Mira Lutsky Buchan, Rachel Azeroual, Rebecca Azeroual and Tara Peretz for organizing this event. 

If you want to attend this event and are in need of an angel ticket, please email

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