
9 2022

Rabbi Hannah speaks at Climate Crisis Talks

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Contact Duggan Cayer

Every day we are reminded that we are in a climate emergency. Unprecedented heat waves, droughts, fires, extreme weather events, floods, refugees—the list goes on. Taken together with the current pandemic, it’s understandable that many of us feel frightened, overwhelmed, powerless.

Where can we find the individual and collective strength to clearly face the truth of the emergency, mourn the damage being done to our blue planet, and inspire ourselves and others to action?

Co-sponsored by Multifaith Action Society, the Vancouver Unitarians are hosting a series of talks featuring prominent Canadians from faith, spiritual, and secular backgrounds to support us in answering that question.

Catch Rabbi Hannah's talk—Breath of All Life—February 9 at 7 pm.  Sign up to attend live on Zoom or watch later.