
26 2024

Or Shalom's Tu B'Shvat Shabbat Soul

8:00PM - 10:00PM  

Or Shalom 710 East 10th Ave
Vancouver, BC V5T 2A7
6048721614 programs@orshalom.ca

Contact Or Shalom

Fri, Jan 26 | 8-10pm | In-person
Adult-oriented | Tea & Dessert to follow

A wonderful way to introduce friends to the spirit of Or Shalom.

Join us for Kabbalat Shabbat, led by Rabbi Hannah with Martin Gotfrit, & Wendy Rubin. This is a music-driven experience for winding down from the stresses of the week past and settling into the island in time that is Shabbat. With a special focus on Tu B’Shvat and the celestial Tree of Life, this service is a mix of joyful welcoming and restful introspection.