
14 2021

Mystical Connections: Kabbalistic Teachings on Relationships and Intimacy

Join Rabbi Getzel Davis on a search for the spirituality of encountering one's beloved. Explore kabbalistic, rabbinic, and philosophical wisdom on the nature of relationship, sex, and intimacy. Dive into teachings from the Zohar, Rabbi Isaac Luria, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, Martin Buber, Jacques Derrida, Rabbi Menachem Froman, and bell hooks. This class welcomes partnered and unpartnered folks of all ages, faith backgrounds, gender identity and sexual orientation.

Eight Thursdays: Oct 14, Oct 21, Oct 28, Nov 4, Nov 11, Nov 18, Dec 2, Dec 9

For more information and to register: https://www.zivugtogether.org/events/mystical-connections-oct-21

Sponsor: ZIVUG, Hebrew College