Community Calendar

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If you have any questions or require changes to an event, please contact Betina Zuckermann Cynamon at


1 2019


8 2019

JCC Annual Campaign

9:00AM - 5:00PM  

Jewish Comminity Centre of Greater Vancouver
950 West 41st Ave
Vancouver, BC V5Z 2N7


For example...your donation directly supports: $5,000 Tuition Assistance for families needing daycare in order to…


7 2019

Jewish Gastown Walking Tour

11:00AM - 1:00PM  


Step into the rough and tumble early days of Vancouver. Learn how members of the Jewish community established some…


7 2019

JFS INVL - Family Fun Event

2:00PM - 6:00PM  



Pre-Innovators Lunch activity for families to get involved in helping JFS


7 2019

Shalhevet Gala Fundraiser

5:00PM - 10:00PM  

Schara Tzedeck

Vancouver, BC


this will be an evening event very similar to the one we did this year. Probably at Schara Tzedeck


7 2019

Kehila and Beth Tikvah Annual Movie Night

6:30PM - 9:00PM  

Beth Tikvah
9711 Geal Rd
Richmond, BC


This will be our 4th Annual Movue Night jointly put on by the Kehila Society of Richmond and Beth Tikvah with movie a…