
30 2023

Chant for Peace

7:30PM - 9:00PM  

Or Shalom 710 East 10th Ave. at Fraser Street
Vancouver, BC V5T 2A7

Contact Lorne Mallin

$ Cost $ 10.00

Join the Chanting & Chocolate Band to raise your voice for an end to the violence in these difficult times. Participate in the transformative power of uplifting sacred chanting that helps clear your mind and open your heart. No prior knowledge of singing, chanting or Hebrew language is required.

After the chant, linger for tea, triple-chocolate brownies and connection.

The Chanting & Chocolate Band is dedicated to offering sacred Hebrew chanting as a form of meditation and ecstatic prayer with beautiful melodies. No knowledge of Hebrew or singing experience are required.

The $10 suggested donation at the door supports the education of Jewish children in the Abayudaya community in Uganda.

Sponsor: Or Shalom Synagogue