Passover Crafting


Over the years we have collected many beautiful gifts on Passover including seder plates, matzah covers and elijah's cups.  But my favourite items have always been the handmade items my kids made in school or at passover programs. We still use the matzah cover my son made in pre-school and he's in his first year of university. This year, try making some of those lasting memories at home. See below lots of ideas for creative crafting. Some may only last for this year, but who knows, you might also. be using one after your kids go off to university. 


Remember that if you don’t have the right materials at home you probably have something else you can use.  If you don’t have a handkerchief, cut up an old t-shirt or pillow case.  Don’t have fabric markers, use sharpies or even regular washable markers. Don’t have gems, use stickers. Have questions about what you can substiute for in the crafts?  Email and I will be happy to make suggestions.


Crafts to Hold and Cover Matzah


Elijah/Miriam Cups


Ten Plagues and Other Crafts